


COVID-19 疫情是人类面临的自然灾难,它考验了各国的抗疫能力。对于美国来说,疫情也是一台X光机,使世界人民第一次透视了美国社会的真相。这个所谓“世界第一”的大国确实是一只“纸老虎”,一旦小小的病毒对它发起攻击,美国就会不战而败!


COVID-19 is the natural disaster the human being is facing. It tests the ability against the disaster by all the nations. For the United States, COVID-19 is an X-ray unit with it the world people could discover the real picture of USA who is a "Paper Tiger" indeed. Once the virus attacks it, USA is defeated soon without making the war!


    现在是2020年的7月份,我们可以看到美国的确诊病例已经接近400万例,占全球的26.7% (中国不到1%,含港澳台)。


It is July in 2020 now. The confirmed cases are up to 4 million already in USA, It is 26.7% of the number of the world (It is below 1% of the world number in China including H.K., Macao and Taiwan).





(全球累计确诊病例比例 Add confirmed case in the world





The death cases in USA are more than 140000 now, it is 23.6% of the world (below 1% of the world in China ) News reported that more death cases are black people in USA, it means the human rights record in USA is not so nice.





(全球病亡比例 Proportion of death case in the world




Let's look at the uncured cases per million people in USA. There are 330 million people in USA, so in average, there are 6000 cases uncured per million people which is also the No.1 in the world.




In a word, the confirmed and death cases are both about a quarter of the world number. But the population of USA is fewer than 5% of the world.





(每百万人口平均现有确诊病例 Uncured case per million people





There are 3 reasons caused the bad situation in USA as following:


一、   美国的“两党制”不好


Two-Party Systemin USA is not so good




Why the epidemic is politicized? Because of 2020 is the election year. So the party leaders are all focusing on the election instead of the anti-epidemic issues. While the situation got worse and worse, but the president Mr. Trump says better and better! Obviously, the Two-Party System is inducing the USA falling down into the hell, while the Communist Party of China guides people to recover the economy first after controlling the epidemic.




Democracy in USA is extreme-individualism




Why some Americans refuse face mask? Because of the democracy in USA seems like the extreme-individualism. So, some youth hold the COVID-19 Party ignoring the order, and a girl cries out in the party that I dont like the mask as well as the underpants, I must vent! But one boy regretted before he dies: Im wrong , I thought the epidemic is only a trick!




Impact from the colonialism in USA




Recently, the secretary general of the U.N. Mr. Guterres said that, colonialism is still poisoning some of the western countries now. The racism in USA is just a case like this, which is also one reason causing the pandemic there. Previously, most of us thought that, the medical cure in USA is on the top level of the world. But the fact told us that colored ethnic no way to be treated as well as the white people in medical insurance.

Different from USA, the medical cure is much more humanistic and fair in ChinaDPRKVietnam and Cube who are all socialist countries. Especially, during the pandemic 2020 in China, the patients are all cured free of charge. The government undertook the cost which is from 15000 USD up to 150000 USD for each patient respectively.

Maybe the western countries never imagine that, the medical cure could be done like this !

